Reagan Lancaster has an incredible track record of growing startups from millions to billions.

Lancaster acted as a chief revenue officer, President, and officer 3 of the most successful startups in software business history. Some notables: 25 quarters of 100 percent growth, 7 stock splits, and 43 Billion dollar market capitalization, all while avoiding any outside venture monies.

He has worked with over 100 startups from idea to going public. A seasoned veteran in all scopes of business, from international expansion to taking the reigns and turning around distressed intellectual properties.

Lancaster has also been involved in merging software & technology companies and organizations together successfully over 30 times.

Lancaster was a product of “swimming with the sharks” at Oracle Corporation. Through break-neck performance numbers every quarter and unprecedented work ethic, he became one of the most successful field managers in Oracle history. He became the number one salesman worldwide for multiple years.

Sales and Marketing Magazine named Lancaster “Motivator of The Year” 3 years in a row. Lancaster also accepted the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 1999.

Working with software companies is his passion. Trying to help position companies and navigating successful exit strategies is his top priority. Helping hire and inspire while proving a strong work ethic and preparation is the key. His heart and soul bleeds competition and tackling challenges that others find impossible.

Reagan Lancaster Executive



  • i2 Technologies

  • Trilogy

  • Oracle

  • Wang Laboratories


The Athlete
The Cowboy